What I want to do this year: Book Edition

I’m not totally into making goals or new years resolutions. Although I think goal setting is a good idea in general – I like to leave myself a little bit of the-world-will-not-end-if-I-don’t-make-it room. I’ve had so many ideas since September/October though, that at this point, it doesn’t make sense not to make a list to contain it all. Over the next week I’ll be posting my list of “What I want to do this year” with my book, art, and personal development. That way I keep my motivation better and it’s all not buried in a notebook.
Without further ado, here is what I want to do this year with my book (and how I want to do it):
– Sell 100 Copies
* Set up a fundraiser (with nice benefits) so I can buy enough copies to distribute to places that need hard copies (the 207, magazines, high profile bloggers).
* Find bloggers interested in children’s book reviews and send them the exclusive PDF. Link to the review on the FB page and other networks like Digg, twitter, etc.
* Host video Q&A’s on the FB page and be available for interviews.
* Promote in writer’s networks.
* See about distributing to libraries and/or local book stores (could be iffy, because 9×7’s on lulu don’t come with ISBNs…).
* Have a balloon booth in book/art fairs or festivals and sell some autographed copies.


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