
Didn’t get around to blogging yesterday (obviously) because I was way. too. tired. Weather changes do weird things and rain makes me sleepy. I might have allergies, but Claritin seems to give me headaches (or maybe it’s all in my head?).
Anyway, I’m mixing “authentic thursday” in with today’s “media friday” (see? renamed, because youtube is so much fun). I’m naming it “Kierstyn is a geek, and here’s what she’s currently into day”.
I was thinking recently, about how I never really got into much when I was little, Hello Kitty when I was 11 was about the extent of my obsessive  fan-girl-ness. Over the last couple years though, I’ve developed my inner fangirl/geek (living with a geek who feeds my nerdiness helps) and it’s so much fun! So I thought that I’d share a bunch of the things that I’ve been geeking out over lately:
Doctor Who, Firefly, Torchwood, Harry Potter, anything with Felicia Day and Ellen Page, Jonathan Coulton, Disney movies (just re-watched Aladdin last week. OMG. beautiful), Battlestar Galactica, Anime, Phineas and Ferb, Eragon, and I just watched all of the Star Wars movies, and while I like them better watching them closely (like I have to watch Nolan films) I’m not totally into it, but they are fun. 😉 *hides*
So, in short (and I could go on, the list keeps growing) that’s what I’m into now. Sci-fi/Fantasy, and a good dose of comedy and animation.
with that…



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