It’s Monday again! yay.
We had an exciting weekend, and I’m really tired. Putting words into the box is becoming a somewhat difficult task on the day I made up to be the easiest. 😛
See? easy right? words just aren’t coming to me today. I haven’t completely woken up yet, apparently. So I guess I’ll just talk about the crazy fun weekend.
Saturday we went Apple Picking in Turner. I got 6 apples for $2.50 which is really cool. Sometime this week (or so) I’ll need to make an apple pie-ish thing, and then I can eat the other ones. ^.^
Yesterday, we finally went to the fair. We’ve been telling ourselves that we’d go to the fair for the last 3 years and we finally did. We had so much fun! We drove through some really pretty places to get there, the trees were turning and it was really beautiful. We rode on the ferris wheel and played a game and tried corn dogs for the first time, and got an Angry Birds plush.
The view from the ferris wheel was stunning, we rode twice – once after the sun set and once before, so I got to see the fair all lit up – and then we took home a big bag of cotton candy. Today my muscles are all weird, because we walked *all* day and parked the furthest possible distance from the entrance, and didn’t leave till 7:30 last night. But, I think we successfully walked off our corn dogs….at least I hope we did, because I’ll probably try to take it easy this afternoon.
Brain Dead Monday
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