How to Make a Disaster (and then do something with it)

Yesterday, I spent all afternoon making a paper chain of rainbow hearts to put over the office door. Kind of like the bead things, but cheaper, because I had paper,markers, super glue and string. It looked fantastic

I don’t know whether to blame the cat or the slightly open window for the chain-turned-distaster last night, but this morning when I woke up, it was all a pile on the floor and looked like this. 

I spent the same amount of time making it yesterday as I did trying to untangle it today. But I couldn’t untangle it. I was too tired and frustrated and so I decided to just give up and do something else with it. So I grabbed some more tape and a chair and decided to make a ceiling decoration instead.

So now there’s a pretty rainbow paper chandelier near the door in my office, that hopefully won’t fall down again tomorrow morning.


Today I’m going to make into a personal day, at least what’s left of it. I’m tired, I haven’t played World of Warcraft in ages and I spent most of the day trying to fix something that didn’t work. So I’m going to play World of Warcraft at some point and then maybe do some reading up on things and maybe, *maybe* work on some crocheting for International Yarn Bombing day. It’s one of those I-feel-frustrated-and-angsty-and-restless-but-too-tired-to-do-anything days, which are horribly frustrating. I’m *not* going to make myself spend it cleaning (as much as that needs to be done) because that’ll kind of defeat the purpose.

Yesterday was nice though, Alex surprised me with an adorable shirt from Gap and then took me to see Bridesmaids after we went grocery shopping.


We got bagels yesterday, so we had some for breakfast – I’m not sure what we’re having for dinner yet, probably just something easy. We need to run and get all the fresh and cold things we didn’t get yesterday.


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