This week I made an announcement about the book I’ve been illustrating (and writing), so I’ve been trying to get the final copy formatted. After uploading the initial cover I realized I need a back cover to go with the front cover. I decided it’d be better to paint it to keep the style together, but I also wanted to use an elevated surface after watching a tutorial from Empty Easel.
Since I don’t have an easel yet (hint) I taped a square piece of cardboard and a longish rectangle piece of cardboard together, folded the ends for stability, covered the painting part with wax paper (for easy paper removal) and taped it to my desk.
It’s amazing how much easier it is to paint (with watercolors at least) that way.
It didn’t take long for me to come up with a lovely cover for the back of the book. One step closer now. 🙂
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