Quilting. (or busy kiery is busy)

I’m thinking I’m going to try and do a mystery quilt this fall/winter.
So far, the rest of the year looks like this:
Film for two (going on 3?) web series
Read some fantasy books on my list (or if all else fails, comic books – I did this last year when I was working, before bed, it was great for unwinding and sleeping without the “I’m going to stay up until 3am to finish this!” side effect)
Game night thursdays (and the occasional Warmachine night/tournament) and WoW/random video games with people – I foresee a good bit of halo.
Quilting (or crocheting or whatever)
And general artsyness, including my show on Friday.
Holidays and gingerbread and shopping are in there somewhere too. 🙂
It feels a little crazy, a little overwhelming and I get a little tired and scared at the thought, but mostly I’m really excited because I like this, I like being busy and doing things – I have some of my coming paychecks already spoken for: backing a few indiegogo/kickstarter projects, Mystery Quilt, and Mists of Pandaria and more than likely GW2 and a phone upgrade…and presents, and art supplies, and clothes, and tech. This is what I spend my money on guys – This is also what I do with my life and I love it, I think it’s fun and that’s a good thing.
If posting is scarce until January (you never know with these things), you know why.


  1. Starfury Avatar

    Yay! Sounds like fun!!! 😀

  2. chryssierose Avatar

    Hi Kiery,
    I’m a good friend of Hannah from The Nest Egg, and she told me about you so I thought I’d stop by and say hi. I noticed you had comments closed on the women are less post, so I’ll leave my comment here. I appreciate what you wrote, and I can definitely identify with a lot of what you wrote. I am still working through things in regards to my womanhood, and it’s helpful to read other’s thoughts. Keep writing, I know how therapeutic it is to be able to put things out there and verbally express the hard thoughts we have.

      1. chryssierose Avatar

        if you’d like to actually talk, email me and I’ll give you my real name. 😉 inbeautifuldisarray@gmail.com
        p.s. i just realized that you’re about my height as well, and we are the same age. when’s your birthday?

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