Tag: my other side

  • Think About It (inspiring Wednesday)

    Think About It (inspiring Wednesday)

      I found this on pinterest today and it hit me. A lot of the time I feel so young (I am young :P) and lost and like none of the stuff I’m doing really means much, because there’s so much out there I don’t know, and I’m making so many mistakes that I don’t even…

  • Obsessions


    Didn’t get around to blogging yesterday (obviously) because I was way. too. tired. Weather changes do weird things and rain makes me sleepy. I might have allergies, but Claritin seems to give me headaches (or maybe it’s all in my head?). Anyway, I’m mixing “authentic thursday” in with today’s “media friday” (see? renamed, because youtube…

  • Authentic Thursday

    Authentic Thursday

    Honestly, this one scares me a little. Because for some reason, the times that I’m honest and vulnerable here tend to blow up in my face and it’s really painful. So I haven’t posted anything here below surface level for a very very long time, because I’m scared to. I’m scared of what will happen…

  • Inspirational Wednesday

    Inspirational Wednesday

    Earlier this year I signed up for an email list called The Brave Girls Club. Everyday they send me an email with a letter. I don’t read all of them, but sometimes (a lot of times) they write something that I *really* needed to hear and know about myself and it makes me really happy.…

  • Artistic Tuesday

    Artistic Tuesday

    Last night I went to an artist panel hosted by the local creative arts association that I just joined. The topic was basically how we write ant talk about art, and how we *should* be and what ways are helpful to engage the public. We had a journalist, historian, and a director from a gallery…

  • Art Journaling: I want to be

    Art Journaling: I want to be

    I want to be the eccentric 60 year old with sapphire hair and kind eyes. When I’m 50 I want to not care I will be me I will learn life’s lessons and love freely. I want to be a vibrant 30 and 40 year old living adventurously. I want to be a graceful 20…

  • Stuff


    I’ve got a cough and have been really tired the last few days, so as much as I’ve been wanting to write and post, I haven’t been able to think about anything to say. But I’ve had a song stuck in my head all day and thought that might be interesting I’m going to try…

  • Crash Course Challenge day 3

    Crash Course Challenge day 3

    I must admit I was really happy to moving on to the 19th century today. Art seemed to be getting stronger and more independent – romanticism challenging neo-classicism, realism challenging the academics, impressionism challenging conventional thinking and *gasp* introducing plien-air – Artists started finding their own independent voices, and following their own vision as opposed…

  • Apartment Therapy

    Apartment Therapy

    So, apparently, my creativity has decided to channel itself into working on my apartment. Yesterday I tackled my office, and today, I started cleaning, and then started organizing my kitchen (after getting all the boxes ready to go to the recycling centre). The issue with my kitchen has always been where to put things –…

  • redecorating


    I’m not usually one for rearranging or reorganizing often, lately, my office has been the exception to the rule. I’ve been on a quest to create a calm fantastical space for myself to create in, and for guests to sleep in. I’ve found that with the addition of new furniture (bookshelf, futon, chest) comes new…