Tag: ftw

  • This Month

    This Month

    I know it seems like I’ve been abandoning this blog over the last month except for a few birthday posts, but I really have been busy. All month I’ve been writing and illustrating a children’s book (something I swore off earlier this year, I need to stop Jinxing myself). Long story short, I finished in…

  • On Goals

    On Goals

    I have to wait for iTunes to download it’s update and for my computer to restart (about 25 minutes), so I thought I’d take that time before painting to write down a few thoughts. I’ve spent the last month or so working on some unofficial goals/plans, I’ve sort of hinted at them, but I never…

  • My life this week

    My life this week

    I had this interesting idea the other day – mostly because Alex keeps telling me that my art is awesome and sell-able – to revamp my storefront. I’m aiming to have everything done and ready by March (or May?) since most of the ideas are still formulating themselves and I have a lot of work…

  • weather speak

    weather speak

    It’s been overcast since Sunday, and according to the widget on my dashboard, we won’t be getting any sun until Saturday. I usually like rainy days…when they last a day and then there’s sunshine, but it feels horribly depressing when there’s no sun for days on end; Even when there are happy things going on…

  • I love animation

    I love animation

    Blame it on watching Scooby Doo, Arthur, and Disney Princess movies as a kid, but I love animation. Especially classic 2d animation. Yes, still. I’ve recently discovered Spongebob Squarepants, Phineas and Ferb (which has been on a marathon all day), Fox’s Animation Domination (Simpsons, Cleveland, Family Guy..) and South Park. Sometimes, when I’m in a…

  • Trading Cards

    Trading Cards

    10 days from now I’ll be participating in my first ever artist trading card exchange! Freeport has been holding one every so often and I missed the last one, so when I found out they were doing it again, I signed up. Basically you make little art pieces on business card sized cardstock and you…

  • The Designer In Me

    The Designer In Me

    I recently got my own cell phone – the iPhone 4. It’s an amazing phone, but I can’t always take it around in my pocket (because they’re small) so I’ve been bringing my tiny little shoulder purse around with me where-ever I go. Which isn’t unusual but I prefer little purses that I can hold…

  • Fire Drills and Hearing

    Fire Drills and Hearing

    I can hear! According to the doctor I have very twisty ear canals which means that my ears will get clogged easier since the wax can’t just come out…so she had a spray bottle with a tiny nozzle filled with hydrogen peroxide and cold(feeling) water and stuck it in my ear canal and squirted until…

  • Ants on my floor

    Ants on my floor

    Last year I wrote about the flies in my kitchen and this week we discovered a swarm of ants on our floor. Thankfully, in Maine, we don’t have fire ants, just the little tiny black ones that apparently like to eat peanut butter off the spoon that I didn’t know had dropped and they tend…