Decided to release some cool updates and answer a great question in a video (that I posted on the facebook page). You can find the PDF referenced by clicking here.
I’ve spent months putting together plans and ideas for what I’d like to do over the next year (or several) some parts are more developed than others, but here it is. * March/April/May – Launch online art gallery with sets and random original pieces. * Make Watercolor Business Cards/ACEO * Sets: Sci-Fi inspired, Anonymous Fairies,…
I’m not totally into making goals or new years resolutions. Although I think goal setting is a good idea in general – I like to leave myself a little bit of the-world-will-not-end-if-I-don’t-make-it room. I’ve had so many ideas since September/October though, that at this point, it doesn’t make sense not to make a list to…
The Balloon Lady is now available! You can find it, here, or by clicking the lulu button on the sidebar.
My proof is in. Off the initial high and running around my apartment I decided to read over it again. I’ve read it so many times over the last month, not to mention writing and illustrating it and the story behind it. It started on day after being in bed sick for a week and…
Last December, I started my art journey…and I recently found the picture that I started with. So, to give an idea of how far I’ve come in a year, Alex put the first drawing and my most recent painting side by side. I’m proud.
Today, as I’m sitting here trying to pump myself up on vitamin C and avoid catching yet another cold, I created a Facebook Page for my book, The Balloon Lady. I’ll be using it to post updates and other fun things (like, when and where you can buy it, and when the official website is…
I know it seems like I’ve been abandoning this blog over the last month except for a few birthday posts, but I really have been busy. All month I’ve been writing and illustrating a children’s book (something I swore off earlier this year, I need to stop Jinxing myself). Long story short, I finished in…
I have to wait for iTunes to download it’s update and for my computer to restart (about 25 minutes), so I thought I’d take that time before painting to write down a few thoughts. I’ve spent the last month or so working on some unofficial goals/plans, I’ve sort of hinted at them, but I never…
I had this interesting idea the other day – mostly because Alex keeps telling me that my art is awesome and sell-able – to revamp my storefront. I’m aiming to have everything done and ready by March (or May?) since most of the ideas are still formulating themselves and I have a lot of work…