FLEECE! I have a fleece jacket, it’s soft and warm, and makes me soooo happy. Because now I can go outside with a jacket and I’m not still freezing. I’ve been wearing a track-ish jacket for a few years because it’s small enough to fit under other jackets, but it wasn’t providing quite enough warmth.…
Mae Chevrette have the courage to follow your heart and intuition; they somehow already know what you truly want to become. ~ Steve Jobs
I *never* do this on twitter or anything, and I’m not sure if I’ll actually do this every week, but I thought I’d try it. A couple blogs, articles, songs, videos, or podcasts I’ve been reading/listening to this week (or longer). For your pleasure and nerdiness: The Nerdist podcast. Hilariously funny and geeky and full…
Honestly, this one scares me a little. Because for some reason, the times that I’m honest and vulnerable here tend to blow up in my face and it’s really painful. So I haven’t posted anything here below surface level for a very very long time, because I’m scared to. I’m scared of what will happen…
There’s sun today! Well, there was and I was excited about it. The other day I looked up a story I started working on when I was 11. I got three “chapters” in and never really finished. The inspiration and muse just sort of went away for it. I was re-reading it the other day,…
I try to do a little something that engages my creativity everyday. Some people paint everyday, and sometimes I do that, but usually I end up doing different things everyday depending on what I feel like. One day I’ll paint, the next day (or two) I’ll draw, sometimes I just sit down and write out…
Started working on the revisions last night, just doing drawings on paper. I only did two, but they’re coming along pretty well I think.I’ve learned a lot since last year – I’m keeping much more in mind as I create the world of Jane and I’m keeping a copy of a Magic School Bus book…
In between making presents and general living-ness, I’m thinking about offering to illustrate a book for a friend. This is new to me, but everyone tells me that my style is great for illustrating kid’s books. Right now I’m thinking that I’ll be using pens and scanning them into the computer and then going over…
It’s November – thanksgiving, black friday, cold weather, crunchy leaves, the end of colds (please please please)? I’m happy it’s November! Every year my grandma, mom and I would go out at like, 4:30am on Black Friday and go Christmas shopping. We were good at it too, we’d spend Thanksgiving afternoon making game plans while…