Every night before I fall asleep (somewhat fitfully) for the last few days I’ve had a running scenario/monologue. This isn’t really new to me, but for some reason it’s been fairly consistent the last few days which is somewhat odd. I’m a guest on my favorite podcast (nerdist) and we’re talking about something and it…
I need to not stay up so late and wake up earlier, at least for the next week, because I have a lot of things I want to do, and not enough time to do them with my current “schedule”. Also, I need to wake up and run from Zombies again, when it’s not raining…
but instead, I’m writing, because I need to and I can’t find food until my brain spills it’s thoughts. Weirdness. I got to part three of The Nerdist Way and I need to talk now. The last few days I’ve been in a funk, not weird for me I guess, but I had several really…
Been busy in my head lately, and it’s been wonderful. Sadly, neglectful of my little corner here, which (also sadly) is one of many corners of the web I assign my name and soul-print to. When I took on my book and dropped a lot of other things, this got dropped, and that’s sad. But…
Yesterday, I bought and put together a desk for my set and art stuff, I finished the layout badge in team treehouse, and today, I wrote the entire script for my first episode. I’m scared and excited about starting this. I’m happiest when I can mix all of my passions together and integrate them and…
I used to fantasize about either taking over the world, or just changing the world in high school. I’m good at politics and basically lived and breathed that world for 4 years. My politics have changed significantly since then, but sometimes a moment comes along and that bit of me that I’ve left in the…
I wrote a letter a few weeks ago, to myself in the future. It’s not something I do out of habit, but one of my friends – a kindred soul – inspired me to try a few weeks ago. What I thought was going to be something I saved and read to myself 10 years…
All of the new illustrations are DONE! That’s kind of huge, considering I started on them in September. Also, I think they look much much better, the real tell is going to be seeing what happens when I start scanning them in tomorrow. After that, it’s formatting and releasing in the iBookstore, and then getting…