Category: Mental Health

  • Altogether too personal (TMI warning)

    Altogether too personal (TMI warning)

    I’ve been dealing with very bad hormonal imbalance since March of last year. It goes up and down depending on how much ability I have to ignore it and how long I can go before taking handfuls of supplements every day starts to wear on me.

  • Ignition


    The things that ignite my soul are the things that I try to {re}create and do. Sometimes I get overwhelmed because I try to do everything and learn ALL the things, and sometimes I have to remind myself that I can do things and that I have goals and plans and ambitions and reasons. I…

  • Untitled post 2994

    I did the bare minimum of things today. Nothing really seemed to go right and I couldn’t get out of my head. Hormones and PTSD are starting to get to me and I just want to hide and snuggle and maybe pig out on chocolate. So right now I’m drinking snapple, watching cartoons, and have…

  • My sort-of-not-really-almost-schedule-of-day-ideas

    My sort-of-not-really-almost-schedule-of-day-ideas

    In other words: What I want to tentatively do during the 5 weekdays starting with Monday. Monday: Nothing happens on Monday, productive Mondays are non existant unless I feel otherwise. Mondays are for gaming and fun or being creative. Mondays are for recharging. Tuesday: Tuesday is preproduction day for KieryGeek. Because I’m coming right off a relaxing…

  • Permission


    My art journal and painting themes are quickly becoming permission slips for myself. Focusing on granting my heart the thing it needs at that moment and somehow silencing my very loud, harsh, inner critic. She’s a bitch and always tells me what to do, doesn’t let me sleep when I need to and is generally just cruel. She comes…

  • internal combustion

    internal combustion

    I’m afraid that the honest expression of my most vehement feelings against the things that crush my soul will (and do) make other people feel invalidated. I don’t want that to be, but at the same time, I want to be able to express myself. I don’t know if there’s room for both. I react…

  • Building


    Yesterday, the second website I created (and now, manage) went live! I made it for a local non-profit I worked with over Christmas last year (and hope to continue to work there in the winter, because it’s the best job ever) called Bruce Roberts Toy Fund. Check it out at! Besides that and Freeport…

  • Vacation Photos

    Vacation Photos

    I’m just going to post a lot of pictures in a slideshow form because….it’s prettier. You can see my art journal entries on flickr – excuse the poor lighting, I took them all at night when I got home… [portfolio_slideshow slideheight=300]

  • Back!


    Back from vacation! Had a wonderful time at the coast, drew a lot in my journal and generally relaxed. I got better at drawing dragons and I took a lot of pictures – even brought home a seagull feather for my art journal, and everyone thought that was crazy. I like it. Strangely exhausted trying…

  • Untitled post 2812

    I feel like writing, but nothing’s coming to mind. Just one of those aimlessly creative moods because creating, whether it be writing, performing, or painting, is one of those things that’s just as necessary as breathing to me. Maybe I’ll start reading a new book and get some of those juices flowing.