dick move to indie artists, even taking away their content if they fail to sign on to the new thing. My love of indie music aside, this whole thing really angers and frustrates me as a youtuber. I know my content at the moment isn’t and won’t be affected with this decision at all or…
Knack this week! I really loved the game and will likely be talking more about it in the future. The world is so pretty to look at and fun to be in – I managed to archive some of the gameplay to twitch so you can see for yourself. So now that I’ve finished that…
Yikes, I can’t believe it’s June. Last June a lot stuff happened – I submitted KieryGeek to Geek and Sundry, and there was hellcation while voting was happening, Humorotica started, and I did poems. I’m doing poems this year too. It’s probably more due to the lack of sleep and being anxious about my prescriptions…
KieryGeek is going to happen via livestream discussing Agents of Shield (spoiler alert), and playing/commenting/streaming Child of Light. Join the event here. Or watch it below!
I follow awesome people on twitter – and Erika brought up something that I had thought about at PAX (and then forgot because I was confused by my sudden lack of 4 molars), the subsequent short conversation with Kiri (who, btw, is awesome incarnate – not just because we pronounce our names the same way)…
Not so long ago, I was one of those really unsocialized homeschoolers who couldn’t hold up a conversation about Harry Potter but could tell you about ANWR (Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge), domestic (oil) drilling, and how little control our federal government really has over the control of oil prices. I’d only ever played racing video…
Over a year ago, I launched KieryGeek, and I was terrified. It’s been a wacky and wild ride since then. Amazingly so, actually – I’m happy that this is still something I’m just as, if not more invested in than when I started. It’s kind of huge, to be doing something that I want to…
Well I didn’t make it into the next round of the Geek and Sundry Vlogs. All of the voter contributions were wonderful (and thank you so much)! I just must not have been what they were looking for. Still, It was worth trying, even in just learning the amount of people that I’ve been able…
These are way cuter. Find them (and a blog code) over at Short Division. And don’t forget to vote!