
This blog is not by any means a place for expert advice, at best it’s the general wanderings and musings and evolution of “the process” – my process, a process, some kind of process; inexperienced me attempting to get somewhere and hopefully be better at it. Posts change with moods and whims because my interests change and vary – it’s a weird thing about my personality. Sometimes, when I feel I’m making progress and then something happens where I feel like I’ve gone backwards I take it pretty hard.
I made a ton of progress with my face over the last few weeks. Actually my skin was clearing up and evening out, and acne was going away. All the things I should have learned and done years ago. Then I started breaking out again – I didn’t know why, and then I realized that the only thing I changed was adding moisturizer. I stayed away from it forever because I have very active oil glands – but I thought I should get some because of all the stripping of oils I was doing. I felt really sad about it, strangely enough. Because I’ve never seen my skin clear that way and I almost panicked. It’s easier to apply makeup when I’m not battling acne and acne scars.
So, I remembered something else that I overlooked – I wasn’t drinking a ton of water. Usually, I have an okay water intake, but sometimes in the winter I forget about water and opt for tea because it’s warm and I’m usually just trying to keep my fingers at body temperature. I decided a few days ago to re-up my water intake and see if it helped. Surprisingly enough, between drinking close to 40 oz. of water a day (there should be more, I know) and giving my skin a break and *not* applying moisturizer, it’s starting to calm down again.
I guess all I wanted to say was, I LEARNED A THING! Water really does help clear up skin. Water, and lemon-honey mixture on the face. Apparently moisturizer however, does not agree with my lebanese/portuguese skin type.


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