Month: February 2012

  • Nom-age


    We’ve been cooking most of our meals over the last week. That’s not saying much, I guess, but I feel like we’ve been cooking better meals and that’s what counts (even though we ended up having cheap fast food more times than we would have liked). It should because I spent a heck of a…

  • We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

    We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

    In honor of Valentines day. Because tomorrow is Valentines day I wanted to do something special. Initially I was going to make a filler comic that has little to do with anything and was just some kind of Valentines storyline, but I didn’t plan the story before I started on it like I usually do.…

  • Cleaning Psycho-ness

    Cleaning Psycho-ness

    Occasionally I get this weird thing, where I feel like I should get rid of everything. It’s probably good, it’s like a mini minimalist kick and it’s usually localized (closets, drawers, objects, specific rooms). This time it was centered on my living room. I wasn’t feeling well and all I saw was a ton of…

  • Because I love Pinterest

    Because I love Pinterest

    I finished going over the last two fitness books from the library and came to the conclusion that I actually like using pinterest for finding exercises. Some of the exercises in The Perfect Body Diet I actually have pinned on my fitness tips board. The Mayo Clinic book was very nice though, and I’m glad…

  • Living Memoir Scene 4

    Living Memoir Scene 4

    Living Memoir Scene 4: Awakening  

  • In which I finish the HTML videos

    In which I finish the HTML videos

    I finished all the HTML videos on Team Tree House, made three pages, an input form, iframe box, chart, lists, various linkage and made my little inner geek happy. Actually ended up learning some things my husband didn’t know about which was also kind of fun. Posting screenshots because, well, I can’t link to any…

  • Eventide


    Evening, night, dusk, twilight, eventide – my creativity ignites when the moon rises and the stars glisten hello. My best writing and musing takes place, ideas, inspiration, and lately second winds that send me into mad sewing escapades. So when Creative Every Day mentioned that February’s theme was night, two things happened: my inner night…

  • Hair and Makeup

    Hair and Makeup

    We’ve been loosely taking behind the scenes footage of our filmmaking process on our iphones. I’ve been mostly taking pictures. Over the last couple weeks I’ve sewn three cloaks, a bag, and a sheath. Aside from making costume accessories, the other thing that we’ve been doing that we realized is kind of invaluable for filming…