I alluded to this in another post, but this year I’m remembering how very very much I love to be on stage and perform. Though I’m not trained and I’m not overly talented, seeing a couple really good performances over the last couple weeks and starting pre-production (and actually filming this weekend) on a short film has kind of awakened that in me. Performing – being on stage – talking, dancing, attempting to act makes me feel exhilarated and alive. I forgot how much I absolutely loved that – everything from the preparation stages to the actual culmination of the details. Not too unlike art, honestly.
I like things that require different pieces to come together into a whole.
Anyway, I thought that it would be handy, to share some of the clips that for all intents and purposes awakened the sleeping part of myself that just loves to be up there. Whenever I go to a performance of anything, honestly, in real life, I feel the same way and I wish and wonder what it’s like to have been on that stage, to have spent months or years preparing for that moment, to take people into a world for just a few hours…
Coldplay’s performance on New Years Eve (this is not that clip, I spent hours on youtube trying to find it but couldn’t) started that spark,
which Daniel Radcliffe continued to ignite with his very talented and hilarious performance on SNL last week (this clip was the last sketch of the evening, and made the political geek inside laugh a lot, but the entire episode is worth watching).
So on the verge of awakening, we finally came up with a good idea for a short film. Maybe the immersion into the world of filmmaking over the last year and a half has played a role in that as well. Whatever happened to get to this part of me again, I’m glad, and I’m excited that it’s all just kind of perfectly timed, and I’m really psyched about this next year for us.
Performing Inspiration
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