I went to the library today and got on a book binge. I brought back so many books that I thought I was going to have to put some back, and bought a library bag when I realized that there probably wasn’t much of a book limit and my 7 6 (I really can count) books probably wasn’t the most they’d checked out at a time. I had the brilliant idea to leave my backpack at home and didn’t really want to carry all the (heavy) books in a plastic bag anyway.
Although, there were so many more books that I could have checked out…but I figured I’d probably better wait to give myself a chance to get through all the others. Three weeks really isn’t that long. O:)
So those are my school books for the time being. A screenplay, a book on marketing, a book on Acrylic Technique (finally!) and 3 fantasy books to inspire me. I also did my very first inter-library loan (that I remember, anyway). iPhones are sooo handy, because I had the book on goodreads and all the information I needed about the book I wanted (100 things every designer should know about people) right there which made the librarian happy. So now all I need to do, is scan all my current library books into my to-read queue on the goodreads app on my phone, readjust to the yellow light of incandescent bulbs (we got some new lights in with daylight-esque fluorescents which I’m going to sit by all winter) and I’ll be good to go. 😀
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