So Worth It

I had every intention of having a productive day of studying and writing and getting stuff done today – but instead I watched the rebroadcast of the Harry Potter premier.
After struggling with myself for a while – knowing I only have a few more days to finish the books and that I really need to get started since I missed the last few days due to wordpress breaking, me not feeling well, and holidays – I stopped. I decided to just enjoy the moment and take it all in. For a few hours this afternoon I was part of something big – something that’s been going on for a decade, and even though I watched it hours after it happened on the other side of the pond, it was epic, and I’m so glad that I did. It was so worth it.
There’s something to be said about taking time away from the things that you “need” to do and stopping to just soak in the things that are going on around you. It’s vital in a way – if you just go through life routinely and never really stop and just enjoy something, I’m not sure that’s really living. Pausing inspires creativity, it reinvigorates, it encourages, it makes you feel wonder.
So no, I didn’t read my books, I didn’t clean, I didn’t do anything that I initially wanted to get to today, but I had a better day than I would have if I did. I was exploring, I was filled with awe and wonder, I was experiencing, and today, doing that, everything I read in The Everyday Work of Art just clicked.
It’s about experiencing.


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