
So sometimes, my art and home end up crossing over. Well actually that happens a lot, which means, I usually write about my ventures on my other blog because it has more to do with life stuff as opposed to just fun art. However, I’m very proud of what I’ve been doing lately with boxes.
I had a boatload of boxes in my office closet, and no random pieces of furniture.

Over the last few weeks that’s kindof really been annoying me, so starting with my magazine box, I’ve been making furniture/containers out of the cardboard boxes I’ve stockpiled. This has actually been really great for several reasons – I’m showing myself that I can actually create real objects (even if they’re precarious, it’s cardboard and tape okay?), I can design them in a way that actually looks nice, and repurpose something that was just taking up space because I don’t want to go to the recycling center. It makes me feel good about myself!

Magazine Box

Book Shelf

Night Stand (with ledge)

Scarf and Glove boxes

My (wobbly) Art Table

Earlier today I used a tiny box as a shelf in my spice cabinet. I’m slowly working my way through. 🙂







  1. […] Tuesday was the last Oil Painting class (that I missed, stupid soup) so yesterday, I decided to move my materials out of the bag they were in and into my office. Somewhere between transport I actually looked at my office, and the closet doors ajar from cardboard boxes, the cluttered floor, and stuff everywhere, and I started to actually clean everything. I didn’t have the forethought to take a before picture, because I was too busy trying to make it manageable, but in the end, it turned out beautifully with a few more additions of cardboard furniture. […]

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