Tag: This is my Life

  • Nature (Trauma) is Healing

    Nature (Trauma) is Healing

    I’ve been experiencing a lot of headaches trying to do basic things like get my brain meds filled in Germany. There are rules like only certain types of general doctors can prescribe anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medications, only certain kinds of doctors can prescribe testosterone, and of course only psychiatrists can prescribe ADHD meds. On top…

  • It happened to me (2022)

    It happened to me (2022)

    Well the last half of this month didn’t go as I hoped. I got COVID and have spent the last two weeks recovering. It’s frustrating because I have been careful this whole time, but my personal mitigations mean less and less as fewer people are taking it seriously. I’ve been struggling to find a balance…

  • Digital Displacement

    Digital Displacement

    I joined twitter in December of 2006. I’ve found good friends and partners there (when people ask what dating app I use, my answer is always “twitter”), I’ve gone viral, I’ve built a reputation for myself. When I write about christofascism or homeschooling or parental-rights extremism there people listen and share. It has been a…

  • Things I’ve Learned (and noticed) So Far

    Things I’ve Learned (and noticed) So Far

    Briefmarke is the word for stamps Mailboxes are yellow Bus stops look like hospital signs (giant H in the middle of a circle) Trash cans are orange and everywhere Taking your plastic and glass bottles to the machine that gives you money back for it IS A THING. Like, people wait in line to do…

  • Seattle Pride (In Pictures)

    Seattle Pride (In Pictures)

    Intentionally went to my first Pride last-ish weekend, and it was really fun. I’d been to Portland (Maine) Pride once on accident – we were getting food and then a wild parade appeared – but Seattle, Seattle really knows how to do Pride. It’s massive. Next year I hope there’s more than one Bi Pride…

  • Midday Muse

    Midday Muse

    Sometimes I learn slower than I’d like. I get frustrated because PHP isn’t intuitive and I can watch a segment and then I have to take a break and let what I learned sit there for a couple days before going back for more. On the upside, I am actually grasping it this time, but…

  • On Books and Bees

    I went to the library and found all the best fairy books in the kids section. I came home with one called the Faerie Door and I’m almost done with it. My favorite thing about libraries is that you can just sit there and read and no one bothers you and then you can bring…

  • Social Media Experiment

    Experiment: if I close twitter and log out of Facebook for a week (supplementing social internet needs with forum posts and reading blogs if I need to feel connected) what happens? Does the world seem less shitty? Do I break out of various funks long enough to work on projects? Am I happier? I’ll let…

  • Undo.


    Sometimes I wish for an undo button, not because of regret but because I’m afraid. I applied to a job doing IT support and now I’m anxious about it. What if they hire me? (Like I’m not the one with ultimate say?) How will my life change?  Before applying it seemed like getting a job…

  • Life right now.

    Life right now.

    I feel the need to be more present physically in my world, but I don’t like the implication that the digital world is unimportant or doesn’t matter. Because the internet is more of the real (painful, brutal, honest) world than my physical experience is. I don’t want to sound dated when I say I need…