Tag: Reading and Writing

  • What I want to do this year: Book Edition

    What I want to do this year: Book Edition

    I’m not totally into making goals or new years resolutions. Although I think goal setting is a good idea in general – I like to leave myself a little bit of the-world-will-not-end-if-I-don’t-make-it room. I’ve had so many ideas since September/October though, that at this point, it doesn’t make sense not to make a list to…

  • Available Now

    Available Now

    The Balloon Lady is now available! You can find it, here, or by clicking the lulu button on the sidebar.

  • My Book

    My Book

    My proof is in. Off the initial high and running around my apartment I decided to read over it again. I’ve read it so many times over the last month, not to mention writing and illustrating it and the story behind it. It started on day after being in bed sick for a week and…

  • Promo


    Check out what I made today…

  • back cover

    back cover

    This week I made an announcement about the book I’ve been illustrating (and writing), so I’ve been trying to get the final copy formatted. After uploading the initial cover I realized I need a back cover to go with the front cover. I decided it’d be better to paint it to keep the style together,…

  • Presents and My First Book

    Presents and My First Book

    Friday was my sister-in-law’s Birthday and for her present we decided to take her out and go to a movie in IMAX the next day. But we didn’t want to go up to her party empty handed so over the week I designed a card and had my husband fold an envelope (because I can’t…