Little orbs provide a rosy glow ice melting makes little noises in the glass spouse and cat snoring softly going to bed before sunrise.
if you give a guardian a blade and tell them to wait they’ll want to dance a jig and after they’ve danced a jig, they’ll want to crouch around and after they’ve crouched around, they’ll sit on your face because the server told the guardians to wait. (brought to you by my life)
So, I was supposed to be writing poems, but then the Destiny expansion came out and guess what I’ve been doing instead? So, to make up for the lack of dailies, I’m writing 9 poems here, now, about Destiny. And then I’m going back into leveling that fucking light so I can kill Oryx FOR…
I should be writing poetry, but instead I’m freezing. Exhausted from going to the State Fair yesterday (which was a blast), and waiting eagerly for the new Destiny content which comes out tomorrow.
structures fall leaves fall I fall in love
one to fall asleep two to keep dreaming peaceful I’m bad at haiku
You gave me broken tools I supplied the desire a hunger to learn to grow to be new time has passed what’s broken is now rusting the yearning is unchanged but the courage to step out into the light? to forge a path into the bright unknown? it’s coming, someday
It’s like a glossy sheen silky, smooth too soft like anything could just slip through none of that familiar friction between fingers this strange overcoat like a protective layer keeping you shielded from the air the sickly shell envelopes you while you rest
Clara clara clara clara it’s labor day.
4/30 I just want to talk without hearing a dull roar in my ears I want to hear myself without sounding like fingernails and chalk 5/30 What if I don’t want to bow to Urzok the hated? I am the light, he should bow to me instead with his stupid head and goofy…