Life lately has consisted of constantly staring this horrific reality in the face and not blinking. Then, taking what I see and figuring out how to make it better, by going through even more horror – the horror that got us here – and finding the way out. I read H.P. Lovecraft at night because…
in case you were wondering.
I lived in Mexico City for two weeks and it was fantastic. I managed to get around successfully (with help) in a country with a language I barely spoke, and watched Fireworks on New Years. Made a lot of pupper friends, learned a lot of things, and admired a lot of art. Now there are pictures.
I cringe when I open my email I’m dreading tomorrow I spent today putting out fires that all happened at once – insurance expired, I needed to re-order court documents, and set up a consult with a lawyer for the roommate situation. I looked at affordable housing orgs and realized I’m tech support for at…
I keep writing and erasing. I want to write but I don’t know what to say. I know what I want to do with my life and it’s the thing I’ve been doing for the last 3 years. Art. Lots of Art. CRHE. Programming. School. I want to be able to live off…
I should be actually doing homework, but I can’t focus and I’m waiting for coffee to kick in while contemplating finding out if I have ADD/ADHD because reasons. I turned in my first paper today and omg feels. I’ve never turned in a paper where the grade actually mattered in a real way, so this…
So I had an epiphany over the weekend while coming home after being surrounded by people like me at a conference over the weekend. We were singing Lean On Me in the car, and I realized….while pushing the words out of my mouth, that um, it’s totally okay to not be only absorbing…
I started taking college prep courses in January, which I’ve written about most of the few times that I’ve actually gotten around to writing this year. The week before last week I took the college placement test in english and got a near perfect score (98 & 99, out of 99) and placed into english…