It’s been a rough week and I think at the back of my mind I’m worried that maybe my new meds aren’t going to work, or aren’t working (I’ve only been on the new dose 4 days, so). My shoulders are massively fucked at the moment, shocked the massage person who said it was really…
1) definitely going to up the dosage on my meds 2) there is nothing quite so terrifying as being called at by a strange man while I’m minding my own business at the pool. Yelling “Hey pretty lady” at me, twice, is NOT going to get me to respond to you, it is however, going…
I’ve been taking the full-dose of Zoloft (currently 50mg a day) for about a week now. I was going strong until I got stressed out on Friday, and then everything just kinda has been a haze of anxiety. I was super focused and creative and fucking fantastic for a week…excusing the bouts of nausea/dizziness and…
1) Meh, this is probably not anything. I can deal with it, everyone else is probably the same way. 2) I deserve this, I shouldn’t fix it, it’s just part of me and most likely my fault (thanks bad theology for roping yourself into the worst places) 3) That’s bullshit, no one deserves to live…
Ever since my family became devout, they became regular tithers and givers. Before I go further, I should point out there is nothing wrong with giving as long as that giving isn’t negatively affecting your life (or that of your kids/family). Which, I realized somewhat recently is the case with my own family. They started out…
So, I’ve talked before about how medically neglectful my parents were…and how they believed in faith healing instead of going to the doctor, because doctors are evil. They also spent a LOT of time, drilling into me/us that immunizations/vaccines are dangerous (and evil) and you will either get sick or die from them – clearly,…
When I wrote that letter to my parents, I included a list of things about me because…I don’t know, it felt like the thing to do, and then I realized some of this stuff might be handy to list here because it’s interesting and a lot of this isn’t new at all, but I also…
I’ve had really vivid dreams lately, probably due to getting over the lingering effects of a cold (it was a horrible cold, and I’m mostly better but still dealing with minor sinus issues). My dreams have been weirdly stressful and tend to feature my family and I wake up feeling like I haven’t slept, but…
Five years ago, on my birthday, I left home. Obviously, there’s a lot of backstory to this, and, I guess, this is that story.I didn’t say goodbye – I couldn’t say goodbye. I was terrified that if I did, if I told them I was leaving, that they would shut me in my room, and…