Category: Mental Health

  • The Future

    Dream job didn’t pan out, and the Ruby Academy was cutting it too close to moving for my sanity, so I decided to go to plan C…. Which is basically do more of my own thing, quietly. But maybe not so quietly. I recently snagged a Nerd Deal bundle full of game dev and game…

  • Why Bother?

    I had been in NCFCA for a year and a half, I had, at that point, never made it out of the preliminary rounds in the two or three tournaments I’d been to. I put a lot of work into what I did: spending hours researching, memorizing, practicing, and learning how not to take criticism personally.…

  • Wield it Wisely

    Wield it Wisely

    Free speech is important, vital, even, and should be protected, yet does not serve as a buffer or shield from criticism. Just because you are free to say something doesn’t mean there won’t be consequences for the words you speak or write. The pen is mightier than the sword. We can say so much, so…

  • It's Okay To Be Sporadic

    I feel like my year just exploded with a bunch of different things, and in a way, it did, I’ve added a lot more personal projects – including hardcore game development, which is going to involve a lot of learning C#, unity, and javascript, and how to build 3D worlds….and, it’s not a light undertaking.…

  • Things: an update

    I have two very much needed weeks off. Well, one, now, but still. It’s weird, I crammed a lot into November and the first half of December and I’m emotionally drained and exhausted, but it’s been good? I did the Ludum Dare and learned how to build a playable game (that’s still fun) in unity,…

  • Giving Too Much part 2

    When I was 11 we came home one day to find someone we’d met at a homeless shelter/food kitchen/church thingy on our doorstep, with her infant. We’ll call her Missy.I don’t know how she got our address, or why she was there.But she was. And I gave up my bedroom and moved in with my sisters…

  • On Death (and life)

    On Death (and life)

    Cynthia touched on it in the first part of her post “Freeing Self-Deceived Fundamentalists“. My family has glorified death for a really long time. I remember Columbine, like she was talking about – being something almost revered – not remotely tragic. When things were shitty(-er than normal) or if I was making a life choice…

  • Vaccinated


    I’ve started and stopped this post several times over the last couple hours. It’s not even anything particularly interesting, which is why I’ve started and stopped, I guess. But right now I’m having jack and coke and playing lego Marvel so I figured I’d take a break while I was observing the snow and actually…

  • Grr


    Yesterday I coughed and pulled some muscle(s) in my back. So that’s how this week has started. I forgot about how having a windows computer sometimes means it’s stereotypically windows and I spent most of today waiting for the ibuprofen to work and debugging my computer so I can use the internet again without getting…

  • KieryClam


    If I’ve learned anything over the last week it’s that as nice as hiding from everything sounds it’s not necessarily helpful, or useful, and it doesn’t stop me from internalizing all of the things. Sometimes problems get so overwhelming and I think avoiding them will help and it seems like a great idea, but what…