Category: Mental Health

  • Cleaning Psycho-ness

    Cleaning Psycho-ness

    Occasionally I get this weird thing, where I feel like I should get rid of everything. It’s probably good, it’s like a mini minimalist kick and it’s usually localized (closets, drawers, objects, specific rooms). This time it was centered on my living room. I wasn’t feeling well and all I saw was a ton of…

  • me + food = meh

    me + food = meh

    I realized earlier today, that I think the reason I enjoy food significantly less than everyone else is because I have no real emotional connection to it. I eat food because I have to as my body dislikes starvation. While I appreciate good food, and I have a handful of foods that I will be…

  • Workouts on the Second Floor

    Workouts on the Second Floor

    I’ve said this before – I live in a second floor apartment and someone lives under me. We don’t have carpet, so there’s nothing to soak up the sound. We try to be as quiet and considerate as possible which makes exercises like jumping or jogging in place kind of hard to do. I even…

  • I don't like diets

    I don't like diets

    I find them restricting and complicated. I need something simple, just like, what do I need to eat to be healthy and how much? A drag and drop system would be lovely, and maybe I’ll make one someday. I went to the library the other day and brought home 4 books, remarkably, after flipping through…

  • Fitness and Nutrition 101

    Fitness and Nutrition 101

    I realize setting this “goal” is ironic after going shopping for tv dinners and ramen noodle cups, but life happens. Anyway, This post is going to be relatively short. I’ve been taking vitamins again, now that I remember. I’m really good with taking my iron (flintstones ftw) it’s the other stuff that I have a…

  • 2012 Posting Schedule (until I get bored or life happens)

    2012 Posting Schedule (until I get bored or life happens)

    I have lots of things I want to talk about, and lots of things I want to see/read this year but I’m having a hard time finding them, so I figured, hey, why not make the content? In the previous post, I sort of introduced my new (first) comic series called “Living Memoir” I didn’t…

  • Performing


    Lately I’ve had this urge – a re-awakening of a realization. I miss performing and I miss the stage. I miss the feeling of nervousness that disappeared as soon as I walked up to the microphone. I’m not particularly good, talented, or experienced but I want to perform again. I’ve been so inspired lately, like…

  • When the internet is boring

    When the internet is boring

    It’s time to do something else. I should do that more often really. Last night I got bored, and after staring blankly at my screen hoping for something interesting, I went into my [newly re-arranged, and significantly warmer – who knew keeping the bed off the baseboards would allow the heat to flow?] bedroom and…

  • Cozy {picture}

    Cozy {picture}

    Staying in bed today, where it’s cozy – as you can tell. But there’s a little bit of progress – the colors are starting to tie in together nicely and I think it just feels cozy.