Category: Mental Health

  • 21 things progress (new, with a legend!)

    21 things progress (new, with a legend!)

    I’m a photo session at walmart, a large check, and a trip to the library away from getting my passport. A bunch of new clothes and my converse shoes(!!) should arrive in the next two weeks, and I should also be able to finish that off in a few weeks and be all ready for…

  • What I really really really want.

    What I really really really want.

    I don’t know. Some of my current favorite quotes remind me of those questions, the questions I don’t have answers to. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s…

  • That one question

    That one question

    Do you feel any different now? I’d be lying if I said I didn’t feel a little different. Because for the first time in a while, I do. It’s a weird sense of accomplishment, being 21. Maybe it’s because I’m giving myself permission to step completely out of my box and just live as myself, as…

  • 21 in 2012 {list}

    21 in 2012 {list}

    Turns out, I’m really happy that I started thinking about this list ahead of time. Because 21 things (of ranging feasibility) can actually be a little harder than you’d imagine to come up with. But most of these things are actually really doable, which is what I was going for. Now I’m going to take…

  • Finally.


    I have this weird ingrained thing where I have to clean or organize something on Friday. Sometimes it changes to Thursday, but it’s almost constantly Friday and it’s like a subconscious drive. I try to change it but it doesn’t work very well. Today, I worked on my wardrobe. I’ve been wanting to for a…

  • 21 things in 2012

    21 things in 2012

    I want to do 21 epic things in 2012 – I’m kind of hoping to make 21 a re-introduction to myself. Sort of like a re-do, but I suppose a better way to phrase this would be to reinvent myself. I’m not (and at this point, honestly, I think most people are aware) the same…

  • Well…


    Web design is out for today, but Alex set up a subdomain for me last night so you can play around with what I’ve got so far. Just hit up  and play around if you feel inclined. The form doesn’t actually do anything, but you can click all the buttons and write in the box.…

  • Living with my personality type

    Living with my personality type

    A few months back I actually tried to figure out what my personality type was. It’s been helpful in understanding why I do what I do when I’m not really sure myself. I feel weird in the sense that I can kind of compartmentalize myself and look at myself from the “outside” for a while…

  • Nom-age


    We’ve been cooking most of our meals over the last week. That’s not saying much, I guess, but I feel like we’ve been cooking better meals and that’s what counts (even though we ended up having cheap fast food more times than we would have liked). It should because I spent a heck of a…

  • We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

    We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Programming

    In honor of Valentines day. Because tomorrow is Valentines day I wanted to do something special. Initially I was going to make a filler comic that has little to do with anything and was just some kind of Valentines storyline, but I didn’t plan the story before I started on it like I usually do.…