Here’s the thing about PAX. You’re surrounded by creative people for 3-4 days, you see all of the things they made, you hear them talk about it, you get to demo their ideas. You get to ask the people who actually work on the thing about the thing and it’s totally invigorating.
Makes me feel more pumped about my own projects, and it’s beautiful.
All I want to do right now is make a lot of things. Pick E.R.A. back up, make some vlogs, livestream some games, even gasp talk to people.
But here’s my problem:
I can’t. Because I have convention throat. So my voice is like, not a thing, right now, and my sinuses are a horrible mess, so I’m sitting on all this creative energy unable to do anything because I’m in a brain fog and only thinking about hydrating and sleep. And taking theraflu.
So I’m trying to hold on to that. To hold on to that feeling and energy until I can brain enough (and stop coughing for long enough) to make some cool shit.
PAX is great because it revamps my creative juices. Just gotta kick the nerdflu.
PAX Recap/ Conthroat 2015
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