mental notes

Things I did:

  • built a comic website/CMS from scratch in a month
  • built a resource website and started collecting and posting content over the holiday
  • upped my meds, starting the new full-dose tonight
  • scheduled my 2nd HPV shot appointment for Friday
  • wrote myself a starting place for new comics so I can start drawing this week
  • made mental notes about the last episode of KieryGeek season 3(!!!)
  • listed PS3 on ebay and made mental notes of easy things to do this week for more Seattle prep
  • wore bright red lipstick, because fuck the patriarchy
  • launched Swan Children

Things to do:

  • laundry
  • draw
  • draw
  • plan Humorotica
  • draw
  • add meta
  • add posts
  • write
  • write
  • film KieryGeek
  • hide long-sleeve shirts for the next month and a half until I need them again
  • finish code academy ruby course
  • start on making my badge site because self esteem reasons
  • update portfolio
  • draw
  • film new patreon video

I get in these moods where I’m almost hyper focused on one thing, which works out well until I finish that project, and then I feel lost. I love ruby/rails/making websites in general because it gives me the same kind of, good creative feeling, but on the other side of my brain that art and drawing does. It’s hard to describe but doing both of those (drawing and programming) makes me feel nice in my head, weirdly satisfying, but sometimes changing gears is really weird – like programming all week and then suddenly stopping because, hey look, the site’s basically finished (for like 10 minutes and then you realized there was more functionality you should have added but it’s so late and you need sleep, so you need write it down and do it later, okay? seriously, Kiery, it will still be here tomorrow when you’re awake) and I have a comic deadline I should do because comics.
But expelling a lot of creative energy in bursts is really exhausting. I don’t know how to balance that yet. Right now I’m at the part of the cycle where I worked non-stop, and I have more that I could do, but I’m soooo tired that I can’t, so I’m putting everything back into little bite-sized chunks even though I just really want to do all of the things (but the thought of doing all of the things is so overwhelming and makes me tired).
I go through this pretty frequently, eventually I’ll figure it out…probably. And later this week I’ll have a couple new announcements on the aforementioned website fronts that I’m really pleased about.
For now, I think I’m going to attempt to relax and calm my brain…maybe I’ll finally get past that one fucking level in Trine 2.


  1. Heather Magee Avatar
    Heather Magee

    Wow! I feel like I’m reading my own thoughts! You’re super inspiring and hope you get your much needed mental & physical rest!

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