I wasn’t sure how the new set up was really going to work until I tried it. As weird as it is not filming and releasing an episode every week (today would have been dedicated to writing and brainstorming) I’ve found that I’ve actually been able to come up with more creative ideas, and more opportunities for new content are presenting themselves. I’m using the creative energy because I know I have time to figure it out instead of burning it because I need to get things done.
In an upcoming episode – not sure if it’ll be the next one or not yet, I’ll have a snippet debuting my (lack of) musical skills. We spent some of Saturday filming it and putting it together and generally having a blast. This evening I edited the warmachine footage we took of a late night game a few weeks ago (note: I’m not generally that irritated while/after playing, it was just late and I hadn’t slept).
I’m really really excited about doing the next episode, and I really like having enough time to be creative with it, and I think that’s going to work out well. I hope it does, anyway.
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