Working Out and Stuff (MuM)

So today I started my new thingy, where I wake up during the morning and work out before Alex wakes up. I like it! except for the bout of queasiness from trying to eat apples too quickly after everything. I think maybe I should either wait longer, or start out with the apples so I have a little blood sugar and I don’t get all weird and dizzy, and maybe lemon water instead of just water.
Anyway, I like it, and I feel more awake and significantly less grumpy-morning-kiery even though it’s all gloomy and stuff. Although right now I’m getting hit with a case of the 2’s, so I think after I’m done here I’m going to take my hazelnut iced coffee and do some painting with my photography lights. See if I can’t get some of those energy endorphins I had this morning and an hour ago back…
Also, perk: Phineas and Ferb in the morning. So that’s cool. I feel a bit more nimble in the morning too, and I started off with a round of easy Zen exercises to loosen up before I got into the work out portion of the game (yay for kinects!).
Tonks seems to like this too, as he gets fed faster. Which makes me wonder if maybe he wasn’t curling up beside me because I’m cute and warm in the mornings, but because he wanted me to wake up and feed him?….


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