Over the last couple weeks I’ve been putting things together to re-release my book The Balloon Lady with amazon’s createspace. Today I got my proof in, which was really exciting, except that like, everything was wrong with it.
It’s bigger, so it feels bigger than I intended, and the pictures are…larger. Something went awry in the pdf export so the pictures are all out of order, which is an easy enough fix. But I’ve been feeling like I could do better illustrations, or at the very least, a better cover. And the cover on this version doesn’t really look overly awesome. So I’m going to take my time (this time) and re-do the illustrations I’m not happy with and redo the cover and try a bunch of different methods, and then I’ll re-release!
I’m not giving myself a deadline this time, and I’m not doing it in a crazy short time period (keep in mind, the first version was realized and completed in like a month) that way I can take my time and make it even better.
I’m excited, because now I finally have an excuse to re-do it, and it’s great because I’ve sort of been wanting to, but didn’t have a reason. ^.^
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