And it was so much fun! Last week, Alex, his family, and I went on a two-day trip to Pemaquid and had a blast! We went to a bunch of cool little shops, and on a puffin watch, where, we were warned there may not be any puffins. After about 3 rounds around the little island thingy (Western Egg Rock I think), a whale, porpoise, and seal spotting we found one! He was in the water hanging out. We circled him a few times and then headed back just as I was starting to freeze. The next day we walked around and waded in the water, and then went to Damariscotta and Wiscasset on the way home where we stopped at an art store (Alex found a great pen) and a paper store (Rock Paper Scissors) where I found a great little notebook I can put in my clutch and take around with me.
Which is great for trading cards – I bought some actual stock paper and glue sticks so I can make more for the next trading card exchange next month. I had a blast at the one last week, it was great seeing people and their work and getting to talk so I think it’s something I’m definitely going to keep doing, and Alex might even join me.
Also, on Wednesday I have my first painting class that I’m looking forward to. eventually I may try to pick up doing some water-color type of art in a moleskin notebook, but I’m not sure. Right now I’m still thinking about boxes.
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