Wow, 2009 has gone already.
It’s been a big year for me – I’ve actually made more life-changes this year than I really ever have. I obtained my driver’s license, moved out of my parents house and to the great white north last February, got married in May and moved into my/our first apartment, worked at my first real job, and for the first time spent all of the major holidays with my best friend – topping it off with this New Years Eve.
It’s been a long road, I’ve learned a lot and hopefully matured a good bit. I realized that the thing about making choices is following through – it’s not enough to say “I need to leave” or “I need to lose weight” or “I need to find a place to live”, it has to be followed through with an action – moving, apartment hunting, or going on a diet. Making the mental choice or realization is much easier than actually..doing it – but if there’s no follow-through, you’ll end up in the same place you were last year.
I made a change in 2009 – a big, hard, scary change and it was well worth it. 2010 promises to be a year full of choices – like all years. While they may not be as life-altering as some of the ones I’ve made this year, they’re bound to impact where we are 10 years from now. Decisions like going on campus or moving to a different State will in some way affect where I am in the future. So I guess my goal for this year, is to continue seeking out where God wants me/us to be and then make the change and go.
On a retrospective note, here are some highlights of 2009 in pictures. Here’s to 2010!
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