I just. I don’t know. All I can think to say is if it’s a game about love, you’re doing it wrong. It’s absurd and a little triggering if you think about it, but also so hard to look away. Props for creativity, I guess, but….I wouldn’t say it’s less damaging than a normal…
Yesterday I coughed and pulled some muscle(s) in my back. So that’s how this week has started. I forgot about how having a windows computer sometimes means it’s stereotypically windows and I spent most of today waiting for the ibuprofen to work and debugging my computer so I can use the internet again without getting…
Yesterday, the second website I created (and now, manage) went live! I made it for a local non-profit I worked with over Christmas last year (and hope to continue to work there in the winter, because it’s the best job ever) called Bruce Roberts Toy Fund. Check it out at brucerobertstoyfund.com! Besides that and Freeport…
I alluded to this in another post, but this year I’m remembering how very very much I love to be on stage and perform. Though I’m not trained and I’m not overly talented, seeing a couple really good performances over the last couple weeks and starting pre-production (and actually filming this weekend) on a short…
I’m so excited about this thing I discovered yesterday that it’s the only thing I’m featuring… CANNOT WAIT for this to come out. It looks so amazing and beautiful – the colors, the score…I hope it’s as good or better than the trailer…. Also, I officially love the fantasticalness of Dr. Seuss, and expect to…
I found this earlier in the week and saved it just for today – I WANT ONE! Also, we’ve been having too much fun with Siri, but will she be like this when she becomes sentient? o.O And on a Portal Note…. Have a great weekend!