Tag: moving

  • 14 year old rage

    14 year old rage

    I have been sitting uncomfortably with my anger. I’m at the point of my healing/processing cycle where I get to revisit this feeling again. As a child I was never truly allowed to express anger, it was an emotion that wasn’t “cheerful obedience” and therefore wrong. It often circles back to me in the autumn.…

  • Things I’ve Learned (and noticed) So Far

    Things I’ve Learned (and noticed) So Far

    Briefmarke is the word for stamps Mailboxes are yellow Bus stops look like hospital signs (giant H in the middle of a circle) Trash cans are orange and everywhere Taking your plastic and glass bottles to the machine that gives you money back for it IS A THING. Like, people wait in line to do…

  • Oblivious

      I’m moving in three days. Finally. We’ve talked about this for years and spent the last 12 months slowly getting things ready to change coasts, and now it’s finally happening. Today I need to run some things to the community center, clean the windows, dust the baseboards and blinds, sweep, mop, dishes…. make sure people…

  • Visual Progress

    Visual Progress

    I played minecraft all day yesterday and ended up with thumb cramps (hahahaha) so I mostly puttered around today to give my thumbs a break and that involved sorting random stuff – mostly my wardrobe. All of my clothes (that aren’t hung) fit in one laundry basket and are things I like, so that’s a…

  • Early Art

    Early Art

    I’m trying to pare down on the amount of random bulk that I/we have in preparation for moving to Seattle next summer(!!!!) and sell as much as we can to help with the move. I’m also trying to distribute all of my art that is not on my walls. All of it is circa 2010-2012…