Tag: This is my Life

  • General Stuffs

    General Stuffs

    Thanksgiving was a thing that happened. I’m still recovering. Our apartment flooded on Wednesday, so we’ve had to re-arrange until, hopefully, our roof actually gets fixed. Our computers are currently in the kitchen, because it doesn’t rain there. My body is trying to find equilibrium with the progestin, and it’s making me kind of moody…

  • Life Happened

    Life Happened

    I have this familiar sense of needing to write – because all of the things happened – but not having enough coherent thoughts to put anything together. This happens a lot if I write infrequently, like I have been lately – lots of life happens in between posts and then I’m like, wait, what? So…

  • I have something to say

    I have something to say

    I have a story to tell, a story that’s been hanging over my head for months and I haven’t said anything out of fear and now I just need to release it so I can feel better. This summer, I was cornered by people I trust – put into a situation against my will that…

  • Survivor's Guilt

    Survivor's Guilt

    Maybe it’s because I’m on that high from just finishing a comic after not drawing in way too long because set backs and busy-ness and certain-life-things just completely zapping any creative drive out of me, or because I’ve been rocking out to music in my headphones (which I’m sure looks entertaining), but, I’m really happy…

  • PAX Thoughts

    PAX Thoughts

    Creatives I left for PAX drenched in a crazy amount of social anxiety. My kickstarter was funded as I was on my way to the airport which was phenomenal and completely unexpected. It all suddenly became very real (but simultaneously completely surreal). Sometimes I think the scariest thing is actually succeeding. Like in Neil Gaiman’s…

  • Becoming Geek

    Becoming Geek

    Not so long ago, I was one of those really unsocialized homeschoolers who couldn’t hold up a conversation about Harry Potter but could tell you about ANWR (Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge), domestic (oil) drilling, and how little control our federal government really has over the control of oil prices. I’d only ever played racing video…

  • KieryGeek: Kickstarter

    KieryGeek: Kickstarter

    Over a year ago, I launched KieryGeek, and I was terrified. It’s been a wacky and wild ride  since then. Amazingly so, actually – I’m happy that this is still something I’m just as, if not more invested in than when I started. It’s kind of huge, to be doing something that I want to…

  • Updates and Life and Stuff

    Updates and Life and Stuff

    1) Kickstarter Project: I have everything done and ready for submission except the video. I was going to film over the weekend, but we had to go back to the drawing board. I feel kind of bad about it, like I should just do it – but it’s kind of the most important piece and…

  • The Crossroads

    The Crossroads

    you’re at a crossroads between everything you are and everything you could be you know what you want and what you’re capable of but what you’re doing on that road is falling short you’re making progress but not enough you’re running through your arsenal of tools but change is slow and painstaking What you want…

  • Take that, uterus! (empowering myself, because I don't need to feel this way every month)

    Take that, uterus! (empowering myself, because I don't need to feel this way every month)

    So. I talked to my clinic and after two years off birth control and trying to get my body back in shape (with, eh, results) and realizing that it’s actually like, still debilitatingly painful – and painkillers don’t always work – and that I’m tired of freaking out every time I’m a day late, and…