Tag: Illustration

  • Book Month!

    Book Month!

    I intend to probably be posting less on here this month because I’ll be working on my book – but I came up with a plan that’s kinda brilliant. I’m transferring all my draft illustrations to watercolor paper first, and getting them *all* outlined before I start painting, so I won’t face another hangup like…

  • Living Memoir, Scene 2

    Living Memoir, Scene 2

    Scene 2 in the Living Memoir series:

  • Two Jameses #artistictuesday

    Two Jameses #artistictuesday

    I’m facing a dilemma. I’m working on re-illustrating and I finally have all the drafts done. The problem is, the new James looks much different than the old James (two very different styles) and I’m not sure which style to go with. Obviously, James 2.0 will still be different from 1.0, but I’m wondering if…

  • Erasers


    I ran out of eraser last week, so I couldn’t work on drafting my illustrations until I got more. So I got some on Saturday, and I picked up some colored pens, and a super-fine tip pen, and a 7 pack of canvases. ^.^ I realized something the other day – In film and in…

  • Artsy


    Almost every night for the last couple weeks I’ve been working on the new illustrations for my book. This time around (almost exactly a year later) I’m doing it completely differently. Last year, I sat down in my studio, with pencils and paint, and sketched and painted immediately. I didn’t really plan out what I…

  • Prep.


    Started working on the revisions last night, just doing drawings on paper. I only did two, but they’re coming along pretty well I think.I’ve learned a lot since last year – I’m keeping much more in mind as I create the world of Jane and I’m keeping a copy of a Magic School Bus book…

  • Re-Release


    Over the last couple weeks I’ve been putting things together to re-release my book The Balloon Lady with amazon’s createspace. Today I got my proof in, which was really exciting, except that like, everything was wrong with it. It’s bigger, so it feels bigger than I intended, and the pictures are…larger. Something went awry in…

  • Plein Air fun

    Plein Air fun

    Today was warm and sunny so when I woke up I decided I wanted to try to paint outside at the top of my steps. I’m hoping to be able to do some Plein Air paintings during vacation this year too, so I figured I might as well try it in a more controlled environment…

  • Offer


    I posted this on my facebook page, Kiery’s Whimsy last night, and thought I’d extend it here: Throwing this out there for any writers: I’ll work on your book illustrations for the cost of supplies (like $10-$20) and credit if/when it’s published (I’m available to do an image or two for blog posts/articles also, waiving the…

  • Watercolor Preview

    Watercolor Preview

    Working on an idea from a friend today while listening to The Goblet of Fire, thought I’d share a preview.   Then I stared at it and decided I hated the thumb, so I’ve since changed it and feel much better.