Tag: hormones

  • COVID Log 4

    COVID Log 4

    One day soon I will have the bandwidth to sit down and write out the things that are stirring me lately, but in the meantime here’s the cliffnotes of the last since April, I guess. The neighborhood group I’ve been organizing with since Shelter in Place started, Alice Street Mutual Aid, had a really successful…

  • Permission to rest

    Permission to rest

    I’ve been sick with a cold-like-thing for almost two weeks, the symptoms themselves aren’t horrid, it’s just that I have no energy and end up completely exhausted after doing one thing that involves moving around. Last week I had a physical and a pap smear which was exciting. Good news is: my BMI is good…

  • Altogether too personal (TMI warning)

    Altogether too personal (TMI warning)

    I’ve been dealing with very bad hormonal imbalance since March of last year. It goes up and down depending on how much ability I have to ignore it and how long I can go before taking handfuls of supplements every day starts to wear on me.

  • Untitled post 2994

    I did the bare minimum of things today. Nothing really seemed to go right and I couldn’t get out of my head. Hormones and PTSD are starting to get to me and I just want to hide and snuggle and maybe pig out on chocolate. So right now I’m drinking snapple, watching cartoons, and have…

  • TMI Thursday: hormonal imbalance

    TMI Thursday: hormonal imbalance

    Most of the people who know me/read here know or picked up on the whole my-hormones-are-not-really-right thing that I’ve been dealing with since March. It’s been kind of painful, and I was trying a variety of herbs and supplements – but I really suck at remembering to take more than one thing every day. So…