Category: Writing

  • The Outbreak (part 3)

    The Outbreak (part 3)

    The room slowly quieted. “It seems, that there was a mishap with the cases during transport. We don’t know what happened, we’re launching an investigation to look into it. A few of our operatives in charge of transporting are also missing.” He breathed slowly, keeping his composure that was hanging by a thread. “At this…

  • The Outbreak (2)

    The Outbreak (2)

    “It appears that the case containing a weaponized smallpox virus is missing” stated the man, as calmly as possible to the room of colorless faces. Fear-struck questions filled the air before he’d finished speaking. Sighing, he sunk into a chair and waited for the crowd to calm down before continuing. — The Chem lab on…

  • The Outbreak

    The Outbreak

    The train screeched into the station as if in a hurry. A man in a black suit with a briefcase got up and went to the door as it lurched to a halt. He disappeared as soon as the doors opened. — A small town in the middle of nowhere. The semester just ended and…

  • Babies, bathwater, and shit in the brownies

    Babies, bathwater, and shit in the brownies

    Whenever people write about something remotely controversial the people who disagree generally respond with “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater!” and occasionally the  viewpoint opposite will make a retort about how if you had a brownie with dog shit in it you wouldn’t eat it. My response to the two of them are…

  • The Difference Between Blogging and Writing Articles

    The Difference Between Blogging and Writing Articles

    I write well, just not here. The difference between my blogging and article writing is simple: Here, is the home for my seemingly endless trains of thought to be broadcast into the great void I like to call the internet. Half, to get them to stop constantly swirling through my head contributing to insomnia, and…

  • Book Month!

    Book Month!

    I intend to probably be posting less on here this month because I’ll be working on my book – but I came up with a plan that’s kinda brilliant. I’m transferring all my draft illustrations to watercolor paper first, and getting them *all* outlined before I start painting, so I won’t face another hangup like…