Are in my notes app. Mini meltdowns and overload of thoughts generally = focus and plans in the aftermath. I guess I’ve honed the skill of turning breakdowns into something useful over the years. The overwhelmingly trapped feeling gives way to “fuck it, I’m going to do some stuff, and I’m going to write it…
So I’m home. Yesterday I was completely exhausted and had a sore throat, today I’m still currently nyquil induced which is hindering my cold status updates, but a little cold is a small price to pay for the amount of AWESOME that took place over the weekend. I walked ALL THE STEPS, stood in ALL…
Pink Hair: Check.
“They” say that our past makes us who we are. I’ve always been a little foggy on exactly who “they” are and what makes them so special; and why does my past have to mold me? what if I don’t want to be molded by it (because, honestly, I’ve never been able to see much…
best. valentines. ever.