Category: Mental Health

  • On College and Clothes that Fit

    On College and Clothes that Fit

    I took the placement test for adult basic education at my community college. I have an ID that says student and not “weird strange haired person who doesn’t belong: immediately escort out” on it, and an orientation on the 15th where I’ll find out where I placed and can sign up for classes to start…

  • Truths


    Kiery. You do a lot of things. Here is a small list: CRHE Tech Director E.R.A., Bitch Goddess, and Fairy comics Painting Drawing Gaming Livestreams & Vlogs Programming Writing Generally helping people with the internet. You are good at art, writing, and even writing stories. You’re good at learning and programming, and actually making things.…

  • Subconscious self

    I can feel the wheels of my subconscious working instensly. Sleep is fraught with anxiety, past selves, and doubts. There’s something bothering me on a level I can’t acknowledge or communicate.  I feel like a failure as I wait, unknowing but feeling intensity.  I try to distract, but everything feels pointless. There is stress and…

  • Belonging

    What does it mean to belong? I’m a part of many groups but always try not to feel attached, in case something goes wrong and they don’t want me anymore (thanks, parents). Being actively involved in belonging scares me because it feels like a huge commitment I don’t know if I want to make.  Which…

  • Book Review: Devoted by Jennifer Mathieu

    I have to admit, I was really hesitant to start reading Devoted by Jennifer Mathieu – not because I doubted it’s good-ness (she worked with my friend Hännah on it, so I knew it would be good) but because I wasn’t sure I was ready to face the story I know so well, again. Devoted…

  • Imposter Syndrome

    It’s annoying how I can be doing really well one day, and the next I plummet into the abyss of self-confidence and creative crises.  What if I’m a fraud?  What if my art is shit? What if I’m a horrible person and all the voices in my head affirming that are true?   I have…

  • Undo.


    Sometimes I wish for an undo button, not because of regret but because I’m afraid. I applied to a job doing IT support and now I’m anxious about it. What if they hire me? (Like I’m not the one with ultimate say?) How will my life change?  Before applying it seemed like getting a job…

  • Pacing

    Now that I’m not in move-all-my-shit-across-the-country-mode I’m itching to get back to work doing things. This weird thing happens inside the car bubble: nothing can hurt you there – the internet doesn’t really exist for those hours; so coming back to the full-force of everything is honestly…rough. All I want to do is try to balance…

  • Oblivious

      I’m moving in three days. Finally. We’ve talked about this for years and spent the last 12 months slowly getting things ready to change coasts, and now it’s finally happening. Today I need to run some things to the community center, clean the windows, dust the baseboards and blinds, sweep, mop, dishes…. make sure people…

  • Kiery's Very Complicated Very Long Travel Day

    I took a couple naps in between bounties for Destiny, and then I walked outside with my suitcase and laptop bag to discover a snowstorm happening. We drove slowly and quietly in the snow that was very hard to see through until we got to the bus stop. I got on the bus, watched Robin…