Category: Mental Health

  • So…


    I’ve somehow started the habit of going to Forever 21 on a somewhat regular basis and buying cool stuff (because it’s inexpensive, and I’m still building/rebuilding my wardrobe). So I think maybe I’ll do one “attempt of fashion” post a week, in addition to the continuing makeup um…adventures and general geekery. Oh, speaking of –…

  • Week in Review

    Week in Review

    I’ve never felt the need to wear makeup, and only applied it rarely – usually focusing on eyes, because no one kisses my eyelids. I think some of it was because I was given the ability to wear makeup when I was 13 and just never had the desire. It was one of those things…

  • Untitled post 3329

    I may have to start doing a series of blog posts on preproduction makeup, as I attempt to learn how to do it. Unfortunately, I spent most of my teen years avidly avoiding makeup like the plague, so my ability in doing anything creative with it is…wanting. But I can pretend it’s all paint, right?

  • General Update and Rambles. Lots of Rambles.

    General Update and Rambles. Lots of Rambles.

    I’ve been planning for SDCC, and setting aside monies to fund it, and Pax East. My brain space feels like it’s been constantly running, and all week I’ve felt on the verge of crashing. Surprisingly, I’ve been more creative this week (unsure if it’s because, or in spite of) than I have in months. Over…

  • Default Word

    Default Word

    I spent a while arguing with myself over this one – not so much because I disagreed with it, but because I thought maybe it’d be frowned upon by the grown-up-word-of-the-year police (who I hope don’t exist). Because Aletheia ended up being such a big thing, and playing a huge role in decision making last year.…

  • Untitled post 3293

    I haven’t done anything super creative in a while – well, that’s not true, but I haven’t drawn or painted in way too long, or written much, and I need to do that again, because I’m starting to get antsy.   I did however re-make my room into a haven with a PS3… so that’s…

  • Bridging the Gap

    Bridging the Gap

    My blog has gone through a lot of changes over time. When I chose Bridging the Gap as one, in many many titles I’ve used, I was initially thinking about it in terms of art, and practice. The phrase actually stemmed from Ira Glass on storytelling: Sine then it’s kinda grown into an inadvertent definition…

  • Waxing Eloquent

    Waxing Eloquent

    I have a secret language that I speak inside my head. When I’m feeling brave, I write this way. It’s my own kind of prose, words have a rhythm and sentences flow. Phrases turn and swirl into what I like to call my butterfly language. When I’m honest and I write like this, I feel like it…

  • Permission to rest

    Permission to rest

    I’ve been sick with a cold-like-thing for almost two weeks, the symptoms themselves aren’t horrid, it’s just that I have no energy and end up completely exhausted after doing one thing that involves moving around. Last week I had a physical and a pap smear which was exciting. Good news is: my BMI is good…

  • Welling


    I’ve been sick since last Friday with a cold. I’ve quarantined myself from most of the people I would usually hang out with in order to spare any exposure. I’ve been trying to rest, emphasis on trying. Meanwhile, I’ve been itching to paint but have had no energy to. The drive to put something on…