Category: Mental Health

  • I have something to show you

    I have something to show you

    It’s funny and probably in no way coincidental that I was talking about art last night  – and how powerful it is – with a couple friends. It’s been a while since I really thought about the subject, I’m more of a “just leave me alone and let me make my own shit” kind of…

  • I don't know what to call this

    I don't know what to call this

    I was going through the files on my laptop looking for something specific and I ran across a picture that I saved from 2007. I won’t post it here, because it makes my stomach turn, but content note: graphic descriptions of infections and medical neglect. My parents stopped taking us to doctors before I was…

  • #LiesMyParentsToldMe


    I’m doing a series of comics – I started on Monday and have posted every day so far except Tuesday – called Lies My Parents Told Me. It’s been enlightening and cathartic – in the spirit of Valentines Day, today’s comic is on purity and virginity and the damage that goes with those ideas.Funny how…

  • In which my genitals mean I don't learn math or science

    In which my genitals mean I don't learn math or science

    Alright, you have my attention. Anyone who can wield a soldering iron like that is worth some attention. […] — youtube commenter (comment since removed by author – creepy part, also removed…by me) I was denied physics because I was born female. I had been taught all my life leading up to that point that…

  • Ham on Nye

    Ham on Nye

    I actually didn’t plan on writing anything about the Ham on Nye debate Tuesday night, I planned on drinking and eating popcorn and watching  everything implode in a talk-past-eachother kind of way. My mouth hurt, (still does, I have even better numbing stuff now, but it makes my lips stick together :P), we ended up…

  • force


    I have stress induced canker sores in my mouth and it sucks (like 4). I’ve been sort of on the verge of/warding off a meltdown. I am stuck in complete and utter apathy towards everything that I am invested in and love doing. I can’t sleep or eat without pain, because face. I have peroxide…

  • Oh, I did THAT thing (2013)

    Oh, I did THAT thing (2013)

    January has been brutal, really, I don’t even. But I had a handful of moments and I remembered I did stuff – that feels so far away, and the hugeness of that sort of set in for a brief moment before I got the wind knocked out of me again. So, while I’m remembering and…

  • Child Marriage: I dodged the bullet

    Child Marriage: I dodged the bullet

    I don’t know that I’ve written much about the process of the relationship Alex and I had before we got married. I started this blog after the fact and before I had even begun to process the hellmouth that was my childhood.With three creepy-as-fuck-patriarchs coming out in favor of child marriage – something they’d always…

  • New Year's Thoughts

    New Year's Thoughts

    First rambly post of the new year! It’s not really worth noting because, when are these posts not rambly? But whatever. I usually reserve goals and things for my birthday, because that’s when the actual “new year” starts in my head, you know, because aging. Somehow that seems more…connectable, than a random day on a…

  • Realizations


    *There is no coherent flow to this, that’s why it’s numbered. Just needed to let these escape my head, so hopefully I can kill this migraine now. I was remembering some things, about being homeschooled – with a few years of distance the ridiculousness of some of it has been made obvious, but I also…