Category: Geekery

  • Child of Light

    Child of Light

      Child of Light and it is the most beautiful and refreshing game. ever. I am having all of the feelings. I love that the protagonist is a badass little girl, especially in light of what some of my friends have been facing this week, re: sexism. I love that in the game her identity is just accepted, never questioned…

  • Early Art

    Early Art

    I’m trying to pare down on the amount of random bulk that I/we have in preparation for moving to Seattle next summer(!!!!) and sell as much as we can to help with the move. I’m also trying to distribute all of my art that is not on my walls. All of it is circa 2010-2012…

  • Guilt and Art and Stuff

    Guilt and Art and Stuff

    You know when you hate yourself and you just want to give everything up because you’re doing things different and you feel like you shouldn’t be able to? Because nothing makes you special or better than the next person who’s doing things the way everyone else does and that person is even better for it…

  • Failure and Creatives (me)

    Failure and Creatives (me)

    I follow awesome people on twitter – and Erika brought up something that I had thought about at PAX (and then forgot because I was confused by my sudden lack of 4 molars), the subsequent short conversation with Kiri (who, btw, is awesome incarnate – not just because we pronounce our names the same way)…



    I actually knew I was funded the day I left for PAX, but it kept going between feeling real and not feeling real yet. I was worried that everyone would take back their pledges last minute and I’d just be one of the many un-funded projects for reasons – like, I don’t know, the creative…

  • PAX Thoughts

    PAX Thoughts

    Creatives I left for PAX drenched in a crazy amount of social anxiety. My kickstarter was funded as I was on my way to the airport which was phenomenal and completely unexpected. It all suddenly became very real (but simultaneously completely surreal). Sometimes I think the scariest thing is actually succeeding. Like in Neil Gaiman’s…

  • Becoming Geek

    Becoming Geek

    Not so long ago, I was one of those really unsocialized homeschoolers who couldn’t hold up a conversation about Harry Potter but could tell you about ANWR (Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge), domestic (oil) drilling, and how little control our federal government really has over the control of oil prices. I’d only ever played racing video…

  • Kickstarter Comic

    Kickstarter Comic

    I’m 35% funded and it’s only been a week! Which is really awesome! I keep going between “I’ve got this” and panic – actually I made a comic about it, that you should check out. But here’s the thumbnail: It’s been kinda crazy – support’s been awesome. I’m looking for new ways to make people aware of…

  • KieryGeek: Kickstarter

    KieryGeek: Kickstarter

    Over a year ago, I launched KieryGeek, and I was terrified. It’s been a wacky and wild ride  since then. Amazingly so, actually – I’m happy that this is still something I’m just as, if not more invested in than when I started. It’s kind of huge, to be doing something that I want to…

  • Elizabeth Cosplay

    Elizabeth Cosplay

      Going to a birthday party that involves cosplaying meant that I spent the entire weekend, and the last 3 days sewing this costume. Bolero’s are murder, but it’s done and I’m so happy with it!