Category: Evolution

  • Fault and Educational Neglect

    Fault and Educational Neglect

    I don’t usually post about things Kevin Swanson says, and I usually try not to pay attention to it, but this week’s broadcast…hurt more than usual. For a synopsis/highlights that will keep most of your eyeballs intact, you can read this post from HA. One of the highlights, and…what’s sort of turned me into an…

  • Feels


    I feel like the world is falling apart at the seams and going to shit and I’m powerless to do anything about it. Between police brutality in Ferguson, shit going down in Gaza and Iraq, Robin Williams committing suicide… It’s all just too many. It’s too much. It’s getting to me.   I watched the…

  • Massages + Disassociation

    Massages + Disassociation

    In July I had this thing where my neck/shoulder muscles didn’t want to move, so I got a massage, and I’ve been getting them every couple weeks since to try and loosen up the (apparently insane levels of) tightness, and I noticed something…and someday I’ll draw something to illustrate this better, but, when I’m on…

  • SelfCare


    I’m giving myself a mini vacation this week, because…I think with the new meds and being able to finally start doing things full-force again, I was pushing myself way too hard. Which, isn’t actually very good and I kinda noticed myself heading towards burnout very quickly. So this week looks like a lot of relaxing…

  • Book Review: Homeschool Sex Machine

    Book Review: Homeschool Sex Machine

    The author of Homeschool Sex Machine, Matthew Pierce, writes from his perspective growing up in a religious homeschool environment where purity culture reigned supreme and being pubescent meant you were trouble. I read it earlier last week, and was just overcome with feels. It’s a short read – and captures that cringe-y kind of hilarity…

  • waning

    It’s been a rough week and I think at the back of my mind I’m worried that maybe my new meds aren’t going to work, or aren’t working (I’ve only been on the new dose 4 days, so). My shoulders are massively fucked at the moment, shocked the massage person who said it was really…

  • Untitled post 4810

    I started a new comic series, it’s called E.R.A. and it features genderqueer/non-binary characters and I’m really excited about it, and I built the site all by myself, and I published the first comic today, and I am exhausted.

  • mental notes

    mental notes

    Things I did: built a comic website/CMS from scratch in a month built a resource website and started collecting and posting content over the holiday upped my meds, starting the new full-dose tonight scheduled my 2nd HPV shot appointment for Friday wrote myself a starting place for new comics so I can start drawing this…

  • trigger(ed by SCOTUS and Hobby Lobby): a semi-tipsy sad muse time

    trigger(ed by SCOTUS and Hobby Lobby): a semi-tipsy sad muse time

    I feel like I just got punched in the stomach. Today is really triggering a lot of not-good feelings. I hate how having a body… this female-assigned body tends to affect my life and future.   I hate being reminded about how my body dictates or rather I hate how my body is dictated by…

  • vents and sundry

    vents and sundry

    1) definitely going to up the dosage on my meds 2) there is nothing quite so terrifying as being called at by a strange man while I’m minding my own business at the pool. Yelling “Hey pretty lady” at me, twice, is NOT going to get me to respond to you, it is however, going…