Random Marsh

The idea from the drawing actually came stemmed from the drive home from Kick Ass. On the way to and from the theater there’s a random marsh plopped between the otherwise semi built up city along the road. It’s funny because you go from passing restaurants and car dealerships, to a random marsh for about a mile and then back to restaurants and cars and bowling like no one even noticed the random bit of nothing just sitting there in the middle of well, something.
Anyway, we were coming back home and it was 12:45 and it was beautiful and dark, the light of the moon subtly illuminating the grass and shimmering on the water. You could barely notice it, but it was lovely. I drew the picture today, as close as I could get to the etch in my mind and found the sky to be lacking. I suck at surrounding stars with black ink. I also felt like experimenting and playing with a dimensional element – I felt like I needed to have some kind of vertical stripe of color down from the sky. Obviously it wasn’t like that in real life, it just seemed lacking in the picture. I don’t have any sparkly glue and markers won’t show over black, so I grabbed all my long, dangly, sparkly earrings and placed the picture on the back of my sketch book and slipped the earrings under the cardboard. A few pictures and some color correction later, I came up with this:







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