“It appears that the case containing a weaponized smallpox virus is missing” stated the man, as calmly as possible to the room of colorless faces. Fear-struck questions filled the air before he’d finished speaking. Sighing, he sunk into a chair and waited for the crowd to calm down before continuing. — The Chem lab on…
The train screeched into the station as if in a hurry. A man in a black suit with a briefcase got up and went to the door as it lurched to a halt. He disappeared as soon as the doors opened. — A small town in the middle of nowhere. The semester just ended and…
I write well, just not here. The difference between my blogging and article writing is simple: Here, is the home for my seemingly endless trains of thought to be broadcast into the great void I like to call the internet. Half, to get them to stop constantly swirling through my head contributing to insomnia, and…
There’s sun today! Well, there was and I was excited about it. The other day I looked up a story I started working on when I was 11. I got three “chapters” in and never really finished. The inspiration and muse just sort of went away for it. I was re-reading it the other day,…
I finished my art journal entry that I wrote the other day, and by that I mean I added paint (and sparkles!) I like the idea of blending journaling and art – for so long I’ve kept my thoughts and art separate, I think it will be good to mix them together. I think it’ll…
I randomly decided that I really wanted to learn how to make animated GIFs. They’re really fun to look at and I have a propensity for re-blogging them on mlkshk and tumblr, but I’ve never known how to make them. So I taught myself. It didn’t take as long as I thought, admittedly, it’s just…
The past few days I’ve been working more on some screenwriting for our short film based on my book, The Balloon Lady. Our working title is currently, The Balloons. We’ve been brainstorming for a few months and working out what we’ll need – like a camera (our Canon T3i) and making random short videos on vimeo…