Tag: webseries

  • Failure and Creatives (me)

    Failure and Creatives (me)

    I follow awesome people on twitter – and Erika brought up something that I had thought about at PAX (and then forgot because I was confused by my sudden lack of 4 molars), the subsequent short conversation with Kiri (who, btw, is awesome incarnate – not just because we pronounce our names the same way)…



    I actually knew I was funded the day I left for PAX, but it kept going between feeling real and not feeling real yet. I was worried that everyone would take back their pledges last minute and I’d just be one of the many un-funded projects for reasons – like, I don’t know, the creative…

  • KieryGeek: Kiery Vs Games

    KieryGeek: Kiery Vs Games


  • In which I buy lots more makeup

    In which I buy lots more makeup

    We’ve been working on preproduction for Hendstrom a lot lately – I’ve drawn out some costume alterations, put together a list of costume thingies I need – and, as you can see in the last post, started trying crazy stuff with eyeliner. I’ve decided to invest in tattoo pens instead, because 10 minutes in the…

  • Hendstrom!


    At last, the episode we’ve been working on for 10 months is out! yay!

  • KieryGeek 2.5: Cosplaying Mages

    KieryGeek 2.5: Cosplaying Mages

  • Quilting. (or busy kiery is busy)

    Quilting. (or busy kiery is busy)

    I’m thinking I’m going to try and do a mystery quilt this fall/winter. So far, the rest of the year looks like this: Work Film for two (going on 3?) web series Read some fantasy books on my list (or if all else fails, comic books – I did this last year when I was working,…

  • KieryGeek 2.3!

    KieryGeek 2.3!

  • Ghost Cat

    Ghost Cat

    Give Away Details from Clone Kiery:The owner at my local game store, Dirigo Hobbies is awesome and wanted to give away this vintage collection of YuGiOh trading cards because you guys are awesome and he’s pretty epic. So, to *win* the awesomeness…Like, subscribe (if you haven’t already), like KieryGeek and Dirigo Hobbies on facebook, and leave a comment…

  • KieryGeek Preproduction Note 5: In-between Episodes

    KieryGeek Preproduction Note 5: In-between Episodes

    I wasn’t sure how the new set up was really going to work until I tried it. As weird as it is not filming and releasing an episode every week (today would have been dedicated to writing and brainstorming) I’ve found that I’ve actually been able to come up with more creative ideas, and more…