Tag: thought

  • [evolve]


    I lived in a rigid world with rigid language. Words like evolve and evolution were almost taboo and never spoken except in reference to something bad (or the theory, which was also bad). The act of evolving was treated with disdain when it was obvious. The word fascinates, resonates with me – it always has.…

  • Waxing Eloquent

    Waxing Eloquent

    I have a secret language that I speak inside my head. When I’m feeling brave, I write this way. It’s my own kind of prose, words have a rhythm and sentences flow. Phrases turn and swirl into what I like to call my butterfly language. When I’m honest and I write like this, I feel like it…

  • My sort-of-not-really-almost-schedule-of-day-ideas

    My sort-of-not-really-almost-schedule-of-day-ideas

    In other words: What I want to tentatively do during the 5 weekdays starting with Monday. Monday: Nothing happens on Monday, productive Mondays are non existant unless I feel otherwise. Mondays are for gaming and fun or being creative. Mondays are for recharging. Tuesday: Tuesday is preproduction day for KieryGeek. Because I’m coming right off a relaxing…

  • Changing the World

    Changing the World

    I used to fantasize about either taking over the world, or just changing the world in high school. I’m good at politics and basically lived and breathed that world for 4 years. My politics have changed significantly since then, but sometimes a moment comes along and that bit of me that I’ve left in the…

  • Crash Course Challenge day 8

    Crash Course Challenge day 8

    I took a well deserved break yesterday and spent the day playing the xbox and hit the books again today. I read some more about perspective (and how to draw it) in Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, and internalized more of the Everyday Work of Art. Most of that I’m still mulling…

  • She Decided

    Yesterday I wrote a phrase on my whiteboard, and it sort of stuck and has been swirling around in my mind. She decided to start living the life she imagined. She believed she could, so she did. She replaced her fear of the unknown with curiosity. She looked around, and life was pretty amazing. I…